This weekend we went to the London convention. Usually we have a great time there. This time...not so much. You see, a few days earlier I was foolish enough to stand outside in the cold and rainy weather painting the frames for the artshow mentioned in the previous post (SOOO stoked to be in that!!)...wearing short sleeves!! Great idea! Awesome! Well thought out plan chap! Well of course I caught a cold which not only gave me the worst plugs in my ears on the flight but also meant that I had to cancel working on the first day, Friday! Sucked BIG TIME! Fortunately that meant that I could walk around and talk to people and buy stuff. All the things that I never have time to do on the conventions. I hadn't booked any one in since I was just gonna do walk-ins from pre-drawn designs so no one had to get canceled. Saturday was better in the way that I actually did one tattoo. Felt better but wasn't in super shape so Amalie made sure that I didn't overworked myself as I usually would. That resulted in a few disappointed people but what can you do when your nose is running? Sunday I upped it and did two tattoos. That's right!!
To all of the people who I have met this weekend: I hope I didn't seem to far away in my head. I tried my best to be present the whole time but it was a bit hard once in a while. So I am sorry if I seamed a
I am not really sure if this booking plan worked as I wanted it to so I don't know if I will do the same thing next year or try something else. I do know that I hate to disappoint people so I might think of something else. Sorry to all who had hoped to get tattooed! Maybe next time.
There wasn't much partying going on. Thursday night I was out and asleep before 10 at night. Never happens!! The rest of the weekend was pretty much, Dinner and off to bed. But it seamed like we weren't the only ones who were lacking energy this weekend so at least we didn't feel too guilty for not being the big party animals.
But it wasn't all bad. Good friends, nice customers and awesome people in general made it worth the trip and we also got a few awesome presents to bring home with us.
Adam Hays Gave me this bad boy!! AMAZING!!!! You rock dude!!
The best part is always to see those people we only see this one time a year. Even though it might only be for a few minutes it still means a lot. So to all our old friends, It was good to see you again, and to all our new friends, it is a pleasure to get to know you. See you all again next year.
So here they are: The 3 tattoos from this years London Convention!
Ok so we are back to the music video part! YAY!!! Right?? Well it's one live, one real video and one song with a fan made video but I wanna share these 3 songs.
These 3 should have been posted a while ago since we listened to that a lot...and I mean A LOT back a few weeks ago...but then again...we still do. So here is 3 of my shop favourites at the moment.
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